Pure Dead Brilliant English

Sunday, October 9

Mini Essay Task

This homework will be set on Monday the 10th of October (best day of the whole year, btw) and is due in the first day back after the October break. You will be individually assigned which task you will be doing.

As always, I'm available to help out in person, on the blog (via commenting) or at ariadnestar@gmail.com .

Have Fun!

Ms B

Mini Essays

•In order to gauge you current essay writing skills, you will be set a mini-essay writing challenge.
•You will be given a VERY basic essay topic for Romeo and Juliet. You will need to
– Create your own paragraph plan
– Decide which of the playwright’s techniques are relevant
–Make sure you cover understanding, analysis and evaluation in your essay
•Your essay should be approx. 500 words long, and in 3-6 paragraphs.
•Feel free to ask for help if you don’t know where to start, but you must make your best attempt to do this on your own – it will give me a clear idea of the skills that the class most need to work on.

You will be assigned one of the following 4 tasks. It is my intention to let you share your finished work with the class and take part in some peer-assessment.

1.Compare and contrast Lady Capulet and Juliet’s nurse.
2.Discuss/describe Romeo as a lover before and after he meets Juliet.
3.Give an account of Friar Lawrence and his function in the play.
4.Who, in your opinion, is most to blame for this tragedy.

Techniques you may wish to look at include:
Characterisation/ Character development
Use of contrast
Use of dramatic tension
Setting (time and place)
Language style/choice (e.g. oxymoron, rhyme scheme, word choice, the way language reveals character etc.)
Themes of love, conflict, death and/or fate
Setting (time and place)


  • hope yoo had a looooooooverly birthday miss!!

    xxx <3

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:13 PM  

  • Thanks Katie, I really did (horrible flu notwithstanding) ;-)

    By Blogger Ms B, at 7:03 AM  

  • happy b-day soz its late but ma comp just got fixed lol x

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:58 PM  

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